3. I love music!

May 6, 2023

I love music. I love both listening and playing music. I like singing and playing ukulele. I'm also interested in any instruments such as guitar, piano, bass and drums!

I'm Japanese, so of course I listen to Japanese music. However, I like English songs, too! I mainly like English songs around the Beatles years(50s-70s).

In the past, I didn't listen to music so much, but in 2013, there came REVOLUTION. I was shocked by the Beatles. Their music absolutely lasts forever.

I was born in 1993 and they broke up in 1970. This means they broke up more than 20 years before I was born, but I can feel their music is still great.

After getting to know the music of the Beatles, I began to listen to a lot of music around them.

For example, I listen to music by which they are influenced such as Elvis, Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly.

I also listen to music of the same generation as them such as The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and Simon and Garfunkel.

In addition, I listen to music which is influenced by them such as Led Zeppelin, Queen and Oasis.

The bands and musicians above are only a part of music I like. Thanks to the Beatles, I was able to meet lots of wonderful music!


I also compose music. Let me introduce a song of mine.

The name of this song is "Meganebashi", which means "Spectacle bridge". This bridge is in Nagasaki, my hometown!

This song is composed in the Japanese traditional melody. May you feel Japan.

Meganebashi(Spectacle bridge), a bridge in Nagasaki.

This is a picture of Meganebashi, photo taken by me.

If you would like to use this song, please let me know from here.

Thanks for reading, have a good day!